Women Only Community


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  • 1.  You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    SCCT Staff
    Posted 07-11-2022 12:34

    SCCT2022 attendees are invited to attend the Women in CT Happy Hour on Thursday, July 14 from 6:00 to 7:00pm Pacific in Octavius 19, Caesars Palace Las Vegas.

    Women make a major impact on cardiovascular imaging every day, but are under-represented in membership and leadership in SCCT.

    Join us at this unique event to discuss challenges, share experiences, network with peers and explore new paths forward with your hosts, SCCT past president @Leslee Shaw, PhD, MSCCT and Board members @Kavitha Chinnaiyan, MD, MSCCT; @Cristina Fuss, MD, FSCCT; Barbara @Monvadi Srichai-Parsia, MD, FSCCT; @Michelle Williams, MD, PhD, FSCCT and @Pamela Woodard, MD, MSCCT.

    Meet the female leaders in the field and discover opportunities that SCCT has for you to advance your career.


    Best regards,


    Joanne Olson
    Chief Executive Officer
    Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

  • 2.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Board of Directors
    Posted 07-12-2022 09:02
    Thank you @Joanne Olson! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

    Kavitha Chinnaiyan MD,
    William Beaumont Hospital

  • 3.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Posted 07-12-2022 09:15
    I will be there. Excited to meet everyone!


    Roosha Parikh, MD

    Assistant Program Director of Cardiovascular Imaging Fellowship Program

    Assistant Professor of Medicine

    Staff Cardiologist  & Cardiac Imager

    St. Francis Hospital and Heart Center, NY

  • 4.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    FiRST Committee
    Posted 07-12-2022 13:29
    I will also be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone. 

    Ady Orbach MD, MSc
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto

  • 5.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Posted 07-13-2022 16:18
    Unfortunately I won't be able to attend this major cardiovascular imaging event. But I look forward to another opportunity to meet professional women in the heart image. I'm from Brazil and I'm waiting to schedule a future meeting

  • 6.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Posted 07-13-2022 16:18

    I would like to make a suggestion: how about we create a whatsapp group to discuss cases of cardiac tomographic images. It would be a very productive interaction and a great growth in knowledge

    Solange (Brazil)

  • 7.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Posted 07-14-2022 09:53
    I will most likely be present

    Emiko Bird-Lake MD

  • 8.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    SCCT Staff
    Posted 07-14-2022 10:23
    Hi Solange,

    You can share cases here on the Women In Cardiac Imaging Site. Simply post a message with your case questions and images to start the discussion. The images will automatically save to the library for future reference.

    If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help you get started.

    Claire Johns
    Director, membership, marketing and communications

  • 9.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    Board of Directors
    Posted 07-13-2022 17:54
    Thanks for the invitation! I'm a CT tech and I am looking forward to meeting everyone. See you soon. @Nikkole Weber

    Nikkole Weber AS
    Lead technologist- CT Clinical Innovation Center
    Mayo Clinic Rochester

  • 10.  RE: You're invited: Women in CT Happy Hour at SCCT2022

    CME Committee
    Posted 07-13-2022 22:05
    My flight ✈️ lands at 7:20 pm. I am so sorry to miss the reception!! Hope to see everyone at other sessions at the meeting. Will this be the only women in CT event at SCCT?

    Best regards,

    Renee Bullock-Palmer MD
    Director of Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging, Director
    Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital Center