About Women in Cardiac Imaging

The Women in Cardiac Imaging (WICI) site is hosted by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) and is for women imagers across all modalities. The goal of the site is to cultivate an online community to help prepare, support and empower women as leaders in the field of cardiac imaging.  

This community thrives on member-created content — the more members participate, the more valuable and the stronger the community becomes.

You will find 3 ways to engage:

Online discussions — These are the heart of the WICI community. Post questions and comments in topic areas that interest you, or use the Open Forum for general discussion.
Member directory — The directory will be key to identifying more women for leadership and faculty roles. Search for peers by location, specialty, area of interest, educational background and more. It is important that you complete all the fields in your own member profile to enrich the directory and help others find you.
Resources — this is the place for articles, videos, and information aimed at inspiring and educating us all. Feel free to help us build the library by adding resources others might find valuable.  

The WICI community is open to all, but to engage fully, you must have an SCCT account. You do not need to pay SCCT dues — community member accounts are free. 

Create a free Community member account

Learn about SCCT membership

Please review our Code of Conduct to ensure we all have the best experience on the WICI community site.
